Children’s Games

Egotist's Club

You know, I don’t usually think too hard about homophones. Context, under ordinary circumstances keeps me reading and understanding what the author means. Yesterday, there was the tiny issue of exhaustion preventing me from properly understanding my own writing. I wrote something about violin playing and bowing. Not an issue, yeah? But do I mean bowing or bowing? Uh oh.


My mind ran in tiny, paranoid, ever narrowing circles trying to remember if the my bow and bowing were spelled the same as the bow and my excellent bowing. Oh dear. Pretty soon, I couldn’t remember which I had meant. The Pernambuco and horsehair in my right arm? The gesture of humility involving elegantly folding oneself more or less in half? What on earth is haaaaaaaapening????

Well, I’ve got it figured out. There’s bow, bow, bow and bow. No big deal, yeah?

Not at all. In fact, I have…

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